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Thanks for visiting. This is my blog of learning for the NET 11 Unit through Curtin University. It will be an ongoing project ... possibly not particularly exciting viewing for some!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Module 1 Task - Using the traceroute

Using the site recommended in the task, I recorded 19 hops from the tools site to the Curtin site and 246 as the average time, in milliseconds
I also got the IP address right - I think - although its different from the answers in self test - but everyone else seems to say the same .. unless ... it's not THAT IP.

hop rtt rtt rtt ip address domain name
1 0 0 0 61.d3.5446.static.theplanet.com
2 0 0 0 vl1.dsr01.dllstx5.theplanet.com
3 0 0 0 po51.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com
4 0 0 0 et5-1.ibr03.dllstx3.theplanet.com
5 0 0 0 xe-4-4.r03.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net
6 0 0 0 xe-2-1-0.r20.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net
7 9 5 6 p64-1-0-0.r20.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net
8 41 55 41 p64-1-3-0.r21.lsanca03.us.bb.gin.ntt.net
9 41 41 41 p16-1-0-0.r02.lsanca03.us.bb.gin.ntt.net
10 41 41 41 so-2-1-0.a00.lsanca02.us.ce.verio.net
11 197 197 197 so-3-2-0.bb1.b.syd.aarnet.net.au
12 209 209 209 so-2-0-0.bb1.a.mel.aarnet.net.au
13 218 218 218 so-2-0-0.bb1.a.adl.aarnet.net.au
14 245 245 245 so-0-1-0.bb1.a.per.aarnet.net.au
15 246 245 245 gigabitethernet0.er1.curtin.cpe.aarnet.net.au
16 246 246 246 gw1.er1.curtin.cpe.aarnet.net.au
17 246 246 246
18 246 246 246 te1-1.b309-sr.net.curtin.edu.au
19 246 246 246 prodweb1.curtin.edu.au
Trace complete

Open communication - the concept

Information loaded onto the internet may sometimes be misleading, wrong, biased. But, whether you use it is up to you. The thing is, information is public now. I doubt whether Hitler would have succeeded today - his secrets could not have been kept and the people he persecuted might have been able to reach each other. The Amercians and Russians might even have helped each other in the space race .... who knows.

Flashback - Mod 1 tasks

No doubt that Bennahum's area of expertise is more complicated than the internet. My biggest drama was figuring out my email address. Sure it's somewhere in all this stuff. Quite like telnet - reminder of the bad old days with no fancy fonts ... flashing white type ...
Can I keep up???

Telnet tales

My first task - downloading and using telnet - even this I find daunting. I think its just the language - plenty of acronyms and jargon. If ever simple plain English was needed this is it! Its an exclusive environment this one, requiring not only the necessary hardware, but also just IT nouse. Perhaps some are born with it. But if I can understand this anyone can. Now to figure out my client ... thank goodness for http://computer.howstuffworks.com !!