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Thanks for visiting. This is my blog of learning for the NET 11 Unit through Curtin University. It will be an ongoing project ... possibly not particularly exciting viewing for some!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Module 2 - Lists - Tasks

I subscribe to one list, but I have never posted to it. It really is just a source of info for me in an area I am interested in. So I am not really giving it anything. The reading suggests I should be. This list for me is sort like an up to date library of projects.
More on this -
  • What are the pros and cons of email lists versus discussion boards? Email lists are a bit more anonymous - I like that. For the purpose of over viewing information I am interested in - its great. Not too overwhelming and succinct. Discussion boards seem to easily go off topic. Like newsgroups. But still better than newsgroups - far more coherent. I think most forms of virtual communication would benefit from a mediator. There are too many people out there with zappy comms systems and time to waste abusing others.
  • Are there certain kinds of communication or purposes more suited to one than the other? I think email lists may suit if you really want to be kept informed of developments and not really required to participate too much. DB's suit a more interactive approach - you want to have a discussion and you're not just asking questions and waiting for a response.