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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mod 4 - tasks - Boolean searching

This sounds like a term from Star trek. Boole sounds like an interesting chap. But I like the understanding of logic behind searching. I have used the operators AND and OR bu tnever NOT - I can see when that would be useful though.

The search task:

1 advanced internet users - used Google to find the most hits - came up with 123 million.
2 Search for advanced internet users - skills based info - typed in 'advanced internet users AND skills based information' to copernic and cam up with 42 hits
3 Used metacrawler, typed in 'university sources advanced internet users' - sure this is not the right way to go BUT it came up with 69 hits and at least they were from universities and contained decent looking information.

I have really been 'awakened' by this search lesson - will I ever use google again?????