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Thanks for visiting. This is my blog of learning for the NET 11 Unit through Curtin University. It will be an ongoing project ... possibly not particularly exciting viewing for some!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Module 3 Tasks - HTML lessons 1-14 Intro

HTML - another new language to be learnt. My first effort:
"This is my first homepage. This text is bold"
file:///D:/INT%20STUDIES/Mod%203%20tasks/mypage.htm - lovely!

Just about to work my way through a whole lot of lessons on HTML. I want to know who the W3C is - and how they got together in the first place. need to look more at their website http://www.w3.org/

"The idea is to make something that the world can view" http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/tut/tut0.html from Mod 3 tasks.
Seems very logical to me... nothing more frustrating than a website that just doesn't work on your browser. I'm not sure why browsers treat HTML differently - sure I will find out. Guess that's why they want HTML4.

Hyper Text Markup Language here I come!!!